
Where In The Bible Does It Say There Will Be Animals In Heaven

Elijah was taken up to heaven in a chariot pulled by horses (2 Kings 2:11). We're told at that place are horses in sky (Revelation 6:2-viii; xix:11). In fact, there are lots of horses, enough for the vast armies of sky to ride (Revelation 19:11; 2 Kings 6:17).

Other animals aren't mentioned in the Revelation passages, presumably considering they don't play a role in Christ's second coming (an ground forces bringing deliverance rides horses, not Dalmatians or hedgehogs). But isn't information technology likely that since in that location are innumerable horses in heaven there are all kinds of other animals too? Why wouldn't there be? Why would we expect horses to be the merely animals? If in that location were no other animals, in that location wouldn't be horses.

In Isaiah 65:17 God refers to creating a New Heavens and a New Globe. In subsequent verses the text seems to move back and forth from the millennial kingdom to the New Earth. God makes clear he will have animals living there–either in the millennium or the New Earth or both (Isaiah 65:25).

Some also argue for animals being in heaven based on Ecclesiastes 3:xix-21, which says "Man'south fate is similar that of the animals...all go to the same place." Nonetheless, in the larger context of Ecclesiastes Solomon is simply talking about the outward appearance of death. Men and animals both die and we can't see where they go. Scripture tells the states elsewhere, nevertheless, that man has an eternal soul. It tells united states of america he goes one of 2 places at decease. Animals are not said to have eternal souls. They are not said to relocate when they die. The presumption would be that at decease they cease to exist.

Withal, this doesn't mean beloved animals won't exist in heaven. I once read Billy Graham's response to a footling girl's question, "Will my dog who died this week be in heaven?" Graham replied, "If it would brand y'all any happier, then yes, he will be." Animals aren't most as valuable as people, but God is their maker and has touched many people'due south lives through them. Information technology would be simple for Him to recreate a pet in heaven. I see no reason to believe he wouldn't if it would bring his children pleasure.

Romans 8:18-22 says that the whole creation was subject to suffering and futility because of human sin. The cosmos groans in longing for the liberation that will come to humans, and thereby to all creation itself. Cosmos is under man'southward dominion and will share the rewards of his redemption just as information technology shared the penalty for his sin. Animals are a central function of that creation, next to man himself the most significant part. After all, besides his married woman, Adam was called upon to requite names merely to one other function of the cosmos–the animals (Genesis ii:19-20). He worked the garden, but he wasn't invited to name the vegetation. Clearly, the animals had certain qualities that ready them above other creation. They were to be special to man, and his naming them makes his connection with them personal.

HeavenIf the New Earth is all the all-time of the old earth and more, then nosotros should expect it to comprise animals. If animals weren't office of the New Earth, this would seem an obvious oversight. Eden was ruined through sin and will be restored through Christ's reign of righteousness. All that was part of Eden, and and so fabricated wrong through the sin of the first Adam, nosotros would expect to be part of the New Globe, made right through the virtue of the Second Adam.

Would God take away from united states in sky what he gave, for delight and companionship and assistance, to Adam and Eve in Eden? Would he revoke his before decision to put animals with human, and under man'southward care? If he remakes the New Earth with new men (who expect very much like the old men, only perfect), wouldn't nosotros expect him also to make new animals (who will presumably look like the onetime animals, only perfect)?

For more information on the subject area of Sky, see Randy Alcorn'due south book Heaven.


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