
Is Human Insulin More Effective Than Animal Insulin?

GM Vs Animate being Insulin

Choices – The Evidence
Testify from people with diabetes
A fiddling bit of history
Action and elapsing times of beast and GM 'human' insulins
Hypoglycaemia and loss of warnings
'Expressionless in Bed Syndrome'
The concerns of patients are justified
Availability of fauna insulins in the Great britain
Irresolute your insulin
What to do if your consultant refuses to alter your insulin
Availability of animal insulin if admitted to hospital
Ofttimes asked questions
Allergic reactions to insulin


Choices – The Show

The NHS has always immune patients to have an informed option of treatment earlier they make their treatment decisions and this includes data about risks and benefits. In contempo years, greater emphasis has been placed on informed choice as a result of NHS policy which puts patients at the centre of care and encourages involvement in their handling decisions so that in the ideal world, patients and their doctors brand decisions jointly.

The treatment of diabetes is no exception and therefore people with insulin-requiring diabetes, whether Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes should have an informed choice of insulins and should exist given information about risks and benefits.

IDDT has always argued that this should be the instance and then if people have a preference for natural pork or beefiness insulins, whether this is due to adverse reactions to GM synthetic insulins or simply personal preference, then their views should be respected. IDDT advocates the same principles should apply to the newer insulin analogues.

The importance of loftier quality evidence to inform our decisions
When new drugs, including new insulins, reach the market the research has been in limited numbers of people. Oft this early inquiry only involves a highly selected group of people who are not necessarily typical of the full general population with a condition who will be using the new drug or insulin. And then at this stage, there are many uncertainties about new insulins – are there any adverse effects? Do they suit some categories of patient better than others? Are they superior to their predecessors etc? Is their long-term safe known?

We must also remember that when a new insulin reaches the market, the manufacturers use the media to present it in the best possible light in order to maximise their sales and mayhap they make exaggerated or unsubstantiated claims about its benefits and rarely acknowledge to itd risks or drawbacks. So while it is important that nosotros are aware of new insulins, it is also important to remember that our decisions should be made on the basis of good, high quality, independent inquiry.

The best course of bear witness is from expert quality reviews, such every bit Cochrane Reviews, which examine all randomised controlled trials, assess their quality and describe conclusions from this data. Chiefly, reviews may place an absence of evidence and this also can help to inform our choices. For example, if research has not investigated the long-term safety of a blazon of insulin, then this is an uncertainty and treatment with it has associated risks which may influence our choice. Equally, if research has not compared the complication rates of different insulins, and so this besides is an unknown and without such information, our choices are non truly informed.


There are three types of insulin:

  • Natural animate being insulins – derived from pancreases of pigs or cattle
  • Synthetic 'human' insulins – made in a laboratory by genetic modification
  • Insulin analogues – the latest insulin made by genetically modifying GM 'human' insulin

Allow's take a wait at the testify now in the public domain:

Human and animal insulins

  • Human insulins are not superior to animal insulin.
    Cochrane Review, 2004

Rapid-acting insulin analogues

  • Rapid-acting insulin analogues have only small-scale do good for the majority of patients.
    Cochrane Review, 2005
  • Rapid-acting insulin analogues are not superior to human being insulin for the treatment of Type ii diabetes.
    The Constitute for Quality and Cost Effectiveness in the Health Care Sector – [IQWiG], July 2006
  • Rapid-acting insulin analogues are non superior to human being insulin for the treatment of adults with Type 1 diabetes. The benefits for children and adolescents are unclear for lack of data.
    IQWiG, June 2007

Long-acting insulin analogues

  • Long-acting counterpart insulins can be used equally an selection for people with Type 1 diabetes but not for those with type two diabetes, except under special circumstances.
    Overnice guidance, 2002
  • Long-interim insulin analogues are not listed in Canada for treatment of Type one or Type 2 diabetes because they are not superior to NPH homo insulin.
    Canadian Practiced Drug Advisory Committee [CEDAC], June and Sept 2005
  • Long-acting insulin analogues have only modest benefit, if at all, for the handling of Type 2 diabetes.
    Cochrane Review, April 2007
  • Intermediate acting versus long acting insulin for Type 1 diabetes mellitus – non enough evidence to describe conclusions on benefits and risks.
    Cochrane Review July 2008
  • No proof that long-acting analogues outperform human being insulin in Type 2 diabetes.
    IQWiG March 2009

Details of the to a higher place Reviews tin be found on our 'Reviews and Reports' pages

The conclusions from the present testify are clear – GM insulins are not superior to their predecessors.

There is no prove that 'homo' insulins are superior to animal insulin and it is reasonable to say that in that location is trivial evidence that insulin analogues are superior to 'human' insulin for the majority of people.

The decision about the choice of insulin should always be fabricated on the basis of individual need, presence of agin furnishings or personal preference. Withal, the importance of individual need and preference becomes very much greater when there is fiddling show of superiority of the newer insulins.

For instance, if an elderly person living on their ain has always used a regime of two injections a day with 'human' or animate being insulin, changing them to insulin analogues which means at to the lowest degree iv injections a day can result a reduction in their quality of life, in confusion and even the danger of injecting the wrong insulin at the incorrect time.

And what about risks?
The long-term safe of insulin analogues has non been established just it is known that they have the potential for carcinogenic effects with growing evidence of their mitogenic effects [cell multiplication which could lead to tumours]. Insulin analogues and cancer

Then in that location are real grounds for people with diabetes to question whether these risks, however small, are worth taking when insulin analogues have not been demonstrated to be superior to older alternative insulins for which these risks practice not appear to be nowadays.

All the Cochrane Reviews of insulin analogues warn that a cautious approach to prescribing them should be adopted because of the lack of testify of long-term rubber, The 2005 International Diabetes Federation Position Statement on insulins, suggests that insulin analogues should merely be used in patients where insulin analogues could be expected to help with specific problems.

Exercise your choice
Already 40% of people with diabetes accept had their insulin changed to insulin analogues, an unnecessarily change co-ordinate to the testify and the newly diagnosed are automatically being treated with analogues. On what basis analogues are being then widely prescribed? From the to a higher place evidence of lack of superiority, information technology can merely be on assumptions of benefit not evidence of do good. This could be as a result of heavy marketing of the analogues as 'designer' or 'modern' insulins, both of which imply superiority or benefit. It is likewise worth noting that insulin analogues are the only insulins notwithstanding in patent and therefore they tin be sold at a higher price and greater profit for industry.

Insulin analogues are significantly more expensive than 'human' and animal insulins and although the price does not directly affect private people in the U.k., it does bear on the overall NHS costs. Price is less important than wellness risks, but Professor Edwin Gale questions whether people with diabetes are getting the best deal. He asks what option people in the Britain would make between treating 150-200 patients with long-acting analogues [rather than human insulin] or for the same cost, employing a full time specialist nurse to improve the instruction of people with diabetes so that they are better able to self-manage their diabetes.
[Diabetologia (20070 50:1783-1790]

Information technology is important that people with diabetes:

  • are involved in treatment decisions well-nigh their health
  • inquire questions medications and near their insulin choices
  • inquire for the evidence to support any recommendations that are being fabricated, specially if it means irresolute their present insulin and regime.

Sadly in diabetes the choice of treatment has never truly rested with patients but if the intended discontinuations of some animal and human insulins become ahead, it volition not be our doctors that are making our treatment decisions but drug companies. This is unacceptable, harmful and sets a unsafe precedent for healthcare generally.


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