
Which Of The Following Is Not A Major Category Of Animal Tissue

4.4 Animal tissues (ESG6H)

Animal cells with the same structure and function are grouped together to form tissues. In that location are four types of animal tissues: epithelial tissue, connective tissue, musculus tissue and nervous tissue.

Key Outcomes:

  • Sympathize the differentiation of animal tissues and the relationship between construction and office of the various tissues.
  • Know the location of the various tissues within the fauna body.
  • Learn the skill of cartoon the various animal tissues.
  • Be able to prepare slides of selected brute tissues.
  • Know the importance of stem cell research in biotechnology and genetic engineering.

Learners need to be able to identify the 4 basic fauna tissues and chronicle structure to part. Learners will be required to examine and place some beast tissues using microscopes, bio viewers, micrographs or posters. They are required to be able to draw the diverse cells that make up these tissues in order to show their specialised structures.

Teacher Resource:

Tissues of human being torso:

Tissues are groups of similar cells that perform a particular function. We volition be examining man tissues as an case of animal tissues.

Man bodies, like virtually animal bodies, are fabricated up of four different types of tissue:

  1. Epithelial tissue forms the outer layer of the body and also lines many of the bodies cavities where it has a protective function.
  2. Connective tissue assists in back up and protection of organs and limbs and depending on the location in the trunk it may bring together or separate organs or parts of the torso.
  3. Muscle tissue enables diverse forms of movement, both voluntary and involuntary.
  4. Nervus tissue is responsible for the carrying of electrical and chemical signals and impulses from the brain and central nervous organisation to the periphery, and vice versa.

We volition now await at each tissue type, examining its structure and role too every bit its specific location in the body. You volition be expected to recognise microscope images of each tissue type and produce biological drawings.

Epithelial tissue (ESG6J)

Epithelial tissues are formed by cells that cover surfaces (e.k. skin) and line tubes and cavities (east.g. digestive organs, blood vessels, kidney tubules and airways). Epithelial tissue unremarkably consists of a single layer of cells, still in certain cases there may be more than one layer. All epithelial tissues are gratuitous surfaces attached to the underlying layers of a basement membrane.

In that location are different types of epithelial tissue which are named according to the number of layers they class and the shape of the individual cells that brand up those layers. Elementary epithelium refers to a single layer of cells. Stratified epithelium refers to ii or more layers of cells. Squamous epithelium refers to flattened cells, cuboidal epithelium refers to cells that are cube-shaped and columnar epithelium refers to vertically elongated cells. Ciliated epithelium refers to epithelial cells that contain many tiny pilus-like projections.

Pseudostratified epithelium refers to epithelium consisting of one layer but looking as though information technology consists of more one layer.

Effigy four.21: The dissimilar types of epithelial tissue found in mammals.

Full general functions of epithelial tissue

  • Provides a barrier betwixt the external environment and the organ it covers.
  • Specialised to function in secretion and absorption.
  • Protects organisms from microorganisms, injury, and fluid loss.
  • Excretes waste products such as sweat from the skin.

The skin is the largest homo organ.

The different types of epithelial tissue are classified co-ordinate to their shape. The major categories we are going to examine are squamous, columnar and cuboidal epithelium. The table presents each of them in detail.

Epithelial tissue type Location in torso Structure Function
Simple squamous and stratified squamous Simple: capillaries, alveoli (in lungs); stratified: pare Thin and flat cells that are elliptically shaped and lie on basement membrane. Simple squamous epithelium is one-cell thick. Stratified squamous epithelium consists of many layers. Responsible for diffusion. Sparse structure allows for move of substances beyond the cells.
Epithelial tissue type Location in body Structure Function
Cuboidal Kidney tubules or glands (regions of the body responsible for excretion). Cube-like in structure; may occasionally take structures called microvilli on surface to aid absorption. Serve a protective function against leaner and the wearing away of certain organs past lining various structures. Also prevent water loss.
Epithelial tissue type Location in body Structure Role
Columnar Digestive tract, reproductive organs Elongated cells, nuclei located at the base of the cell. Cells continued by tight junctions and receive their nutrients from the basement membrane. Main function is protective. Prevents confronting bacterial infection. Can also secrete fungus to protect surface from damage.

A sub-blazon of columnar epithelium chosen ciliated columnar epithelium is found in some places in the body. Ciliated columnar epithelium contain little finger-like projections chosen cilia. These cilia beat in a wave-like movement to move particles, mucus or other substances around the torso. Ciliated epithelium is found in the trachea and bronchi of the respiratory system and in the fallopian tubes of the female person reproductive tract.

Muscle tissue (ESG6K)

There are three types of muscle tissue:

  1. skeletal
  2. smooth
  3. cardiac

Skeletal and cardiac muscle are striated. Striated musculus cells are striped, with regular patterns of proteins responsible for contraction. Striated musculus contracts and relaxes in curt bursts, whereas shine muscle contracts for longer.

1. Skeletal muscle is a voluntary muscle. It is striated in appearance. Skeletal muscle tissue has regularly arranged bundles. Information technology is anchored by tendons and is used to effect skeletal musculus motility, such as locomotion, and maintain posture. The muscles have a reflex activeness but can also respond to conscious control.

2. Smoothen muscle is an involuntary, non-striated muscle with tapered ends. It is institute within the walls of blood vessels such equally arteries and veins. Smooth muscle is as well found in the digestive arrangement, urinary tract and in the trachea. It is responsible for involuntary rhythmic contractions of peristalsis, required for moving nutrient downward the comestible canal, and for the dilation and construction of blood vessels to control claret pressure level.

three. Cardiac musculus is the major tissue making up the heart. It is an involuntary musculus that is striated in appearance. However, unlike skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle connects at branching, irregular angles. The continued branches help with coordinated contractions of the heart.

Nervous tissue (ESG6M)

Cells making up the cardinal nervous organization and peripheral nervous system are classified equally nervous tissue. In the fundamental nervous system, nervous tissue forms the brain and spinal cord. In the peripheral nervous system the nervous tissue forms the cranial nerves and spinal nerves, which include the sensory and motor neurons.

The role of nerve tissue is to transmit nerve impulses around the body. Fretfulness consist of a cell body (soma), dendrites, which receive impulses, and axons which send impulses. The axons of neurons are surrounded past a myelin sheath. The myelin sheath consists of layers of myelin, a white fatty substance. The myelin sheath's main role is to insulate nervus fibres and information technology as well increases the speed of the impulses transmitted by the nervus cell. There are iii types of nervus cells: sensory neurons, interneurons and motor neurons.

Connective tissue (ESG6N)

Connective tissue is a biological tissue that is important in supporting, connecting or separating different types of tissues and organs in the body. All connective tissue is made upward of cells, fibres (such as collagen) and extracellular matrix. The type of intercellular matrix differs in different connective tissues. At that place are dissimilar types of connective tissues with unlike functions. The following table lists some of the different types of connective tissue.

All connective tissues are characterised by cells separated from each other and found in some blazon of intercellular matrix.

Connective tissue type Structure Function Location Diagram/Photo
Areolar (loose connective) jelly matrix; has network of rubberband fibres which adhere together holds the organs in identify, cushions and protects organs (acts as a packing textile) surrounds blood vessels and nerves found in the mesentry which surrounds the intestine

Figure 4.23: Loose connective tissue.

White fibrous consists of not-elastic fibres acts as a shock absorber, transfers or absorbs forces in tendons, ligaments and many tough membrane sheaths that surround organs

Figure four.24: White fibrous tissue.

Cartilage rubbery matrix, can be flexible or rigid gives structure, shape and strength; reduces friction; provides back up joints, nose, sternum, trachea

Figure iv.25: Cartilage.

Bone tissue made up of collagen fibres; mineralised with calcium and phosphates to make it solid provides strength and support; creates red blood cells and white blood cells bones plant all over the torso
Effigy iv.26: Osteoclast, a blazon of bone tissue.

Blood (ESG6P)

Claret is regarded every bit a specialised form of connective tissue considering it originates in the bones and has some fibres. Claret is composed of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. These components are suspended in a yellow fluid known equally plasma.

Electron micrographs of blood cells

Figure 4.27: Scanning electron microscope image of circulating blood showing several crimson and white blood cells.

Figure 4.28: Scanning electron microscope image of a white blood cell (correct), a platelet (centre) and a crimson blood cell (left).

Red blood cells: called erythrocytes are fabricated in the cherry os marrow. They do non have a nucleus and are biconcave in shape. Their biconcave shape makes them flexible so that they tin clasp through narrow capillaries. It also gives them a bigger surface to volume ratio, so that they absorb and release gases faster. Red blood cells accept a brusque life span of approximately 120 days. Cerise blood cells comprise the protein known every bit haemoglobin. Haemoglobin contains the pigment known as heme that has an fe (Iron) at its centre that combines with oxygen. Haemoglobin releases oxygen as required and takes up carbon dioxide. Cherry-red blood cells send oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and returns carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs.

Figure 4.29: Human red blood cells.

White blood cells: Are commonly known every bit leukocytes and are produced in the yellow os marrow and lymph nodes. The cells have one or more nuclei. White blood cells are slightly larger than scarlet blood cells and are more irregular in shape. Their main office is to protect the trunk from diseases. There are several types of white blood cells.

Platelets: As well known every bit thrombocytes are produced in the bone marrow and are fragments of os marrow cells. They have no nuclei. Platelets aid in the clotting of blood and prevent excessive bleeding.

Figure 4.30: Platelets clumping together to form a blood smear. Platelets are largely responsible for wound repair and healing.

The number of leukocytes is often a measure of disease. They brand up approximately \(\text{1}\%\) of blood in a healthy adult. A modify in the amount of leukocytes tin can often be used to diagnose disease.

Plasma: Plasma is the stake-yellow component of claret that allows the balance of the components of claret to float in break. It makes upwards about \(\text{55}\%\) of total blood volume. It contains dissolved proteins, hormones, urea and carbon dioxide. Its main functions are to ship nutrients, cells and metabolic waste products and maintain blood book.

Plasma donations are important in blood transfusion. During Earth War ii, the claret plasma transferred to wounded soldiers was important in saving thousands of lives.

Figure iv.31: American wounded soldier receiving blood plasma in Baronial, 1943

Knowing more about tissues: dissection of brute tissue


The aim of this dissection is for yous to revise the theory behind tissues and utilise your knowledge to actual tissues.


You will be working in pairs. Instructions for this action volition be written in italics.

  • At the stop of the applied you should:
    1. Know and be able to use dissecting instruments correctly, especially insertion and removal of blades.
    2. Be able to recognise and use ether responsibly
    3. Exist familiar with apparatus: petri dish, dissecting tray.
    4. Use a scale: zero (calibrate) and record mass.
    5. Perform elementary mathematical calculations: per centum.
    6. Exist able to read a vernier calliper.
    7. Clean and dry thoroughly and appropriately.


  • 1 piece filter paper
  • scissors
  • forceps
  • threader
  • pointer
  • scalpel
  • bract
  • dissecting tray
  • petri dish
  • craven wing
  • 1 ml Ether
  • cloths
  • roller towel


ane. Pare

  • Before yous begin, look at the external appearance of the chicken wing.

  • Weigh the entire wing and record its mass in the table on the last page.

  • Insert the scalpel blade onto the handle.
  • Lie the wing upside downward on the dissecting board.
  • Cut with pair of scissors from the severed end towards the wingtip along the midline of the fly.
  • Remove every bit much of the peel as y'all tin by freeing it from the underlying tissue with a blunt instrument or pulling with your fingers.
  • Carefully notice the tissue that you are breaking.
  1. Is peel a tissue or an organ?
  2. Why is there a 'web' of peel betwixt the joints?
  3. What are the 'bumps' on the skin?
  4. How easily does the peel come up off between the joints?
  5. Where is the skin most firmly attached?
  6. Record the mass of the skin in a table as shown on the last page.

2. Connective tissue

The skin is held to the underlying pinkish tissue by a type of connective tissue.

  1. Proper name this particular blazon of connective tissue.

  2. Give ii adjectives that accurately describe it.

three. Fatty tissue

  • Look at the underside of the peel you have removed. You should meet clumps of yellow material. This is fat, or adipose tissue. It is also a type of connective tissue.

  • Have a modest amount of this fatty tissue and squash it gently in a small beaker with some ether.

  • Pour some of this solution onto a piece of filter newspaper.
  • Dry the filter paper past waving information technology in the air.
  • This oily stain is known as a translucent stain.

  • From now on collect all the fatty material you discover — you lot will need it later (identify in a separate beaker).
  1. What practise yous remember the part of connective tissue is here?

  2. What do you notice? At that place is an oily stain on the paper subsequently the ether has evaporated.

4. Muscle

Musculus is the pinky-orange tissue you can encounter under the skin. The muscles were virtually likely severed when the chicken was dismembered in the slaughter-house. Muscles are all arranged in 'antagonistic pairs' where the activity one muscle does the opposite to its partner.

  • Hold the wing in your left hand.

  • Grip the end of one of the muscles with forceps. Pull it.
  • Draw what happens and name the blazon of action it acquired.

  • Let go and pull various other muscles.

  • Tin can yous get 1 to cause the opposite motion?

  • Carefully dissect out a unmarried muscle in Full. Remove it from the wing completely.

  1. What blazon of tissue lies between the muscles?

  2. Draw the wing musculus.
  3. You demand to follow the convention of drawing diagrams by:
    1. providing a heading or title
    2. adding labels (tendon, muscle, epimysium, fat tissue)
    3. labelling on the right hand side of the diagram
    4. providing a calibration bar

v. Blood vessels

The smallest vessels you will be able to encounter are small arteries (arterioles) and minor veins (venules). Capillaries are the very smallest blood vessels — and so narrow in fact that erythrocytes tin only fit through in single file. Information technology is But between these vessels and the surrounding tissues where improvidence of substances occurs. Capillaries volition not be visible to the naked eye.

  • As you piece of work, expect out for blood vessels.

  • The darker vessels are venules; the redder ones are arterioles.
  • In the cutting end of thicker vessels you may be able to see the lumen and vessel wall.
  • If you find one, work the blunt stop of the threader into information technology and downwardly the vessel and see where information technology leads.
  1. Name ii substances that will lengthened into the tissues and out of the tissues in this wing.

6. Nerves

Fretfulness are bundles of neurons enclosed in a membrane rather like a piece of electric flex. They tend to be deep in the tissues for protection.

  • Go along a look out for nerves.
  • Fretfulness are hard to run into but when soaked in ethanol they get white (If possible bank check with your teacher if he or she can exercise this for yous).

7. Tendons

Muscles are attached to bones by means of tendons. Tendons are fabricated of a type of connective tissue that contains lots of white fibres made of collagen. It is this collagen that gives the connective tissue its backdrop.

  • Your chore now is to remove all the muscles neatly from the basic.

  • Every bit you exercise so, try and pull one or two off the os using your fingers or forceps; remove the rest using pair of scissors or the scalpel.
  • Look advisedly at how the tendon joins the muscle.

  • If necessary dissect into the muscle tissue.
  • Collect ALL the muscles you remove.

  • You should now have a pile of fat and a pile of muscle.
  • Weigh and tape the mass of subcutaneous fatty and muscle in the table where y'all recorded the mass of the wing.
  1. How firmly are the muscles attached to basic?

  2. Approximately how many muscles did you remove?

  3. Describe how the tendon and muscle join.

  4. Write down four adjectives to describe collagen from what you tin find.

eight. Os

  • You should now be left with some bones joined together with skin, muscles and 'proper' connective tissue removed.

  • Use the miniature hacksaw to cutting a bone in half.

  1. Depict what yous meet after sawing the bone in half.

  2. Use the vernier calliper to measure the thickness of the bone wall.

  3. The bones of most birds are hollow. Why are hollow bones an advantage for a bird?

9. Ligaments

Ligaments look similar to tendons and take a very similar histology with lots of collagen fibres. Ligaments join bone to bone, and also form protective capsular ligaments effectually synovial joints by for instance, keeping in the lubricating synovial fluid.

  • Cutting through and advisedly remove the capsular ligament of a large joint using your scissors.
  1. Tin you see internal ligaments?

  2. Write down three observable characteristics of the ligament you cut.

10. Cartilage

  • Look at the end of a bone and observe the cartilage (information technology is pearly white in color).

  • Try to remove it from the bone. Then endeavor to scratch it outset with your nail and, and then with something very difficult and sharp.

  1. Describe what you observe.

  2. What blazon of cartilage is this?

  3. What do you retrieve the function of cartilage is?

  4. What common, homo-made material is closest in its properties to cartilage?


Information (prove all working)

Tissue Mass, right to one decimal place (g)
Entire wing
Subcutaneous Fat
  1. Muscle is eaten for its poly peptide. Muscle is made of poly peptide. What percentage of this fly is musculus?
  2. What full percentage of this wing was made up of fat?
  3. Summate the total fatty-to-muscle ratio every bit a percentage.
  4. Expect at the toll per kilo for these wings. Assuming the wings have the same mass, and in that location are 6 per pack, how much does one wing cost?
  5. Yous are paying the to a higher place price only to really consume the muscle (poly peptide), what is the actual price per kilo you are paying for the meat (protein) in this case?


Tidy and make clean the work station thoroughly after each session. Wash instruments in hot soapy h2o with a sponge/scourer, rinse in the cold sink (Non nether running water) and dry with a material. Replace apparatus in the correct containers. Scalpel blades are to exist removed, cleaned, dabbed dry with roller-towel and returned to their envelopes.

Investigation: Dissection of animal tissue

The purpose of this dissection is to revise the theory behind tissues and apply it to actual tissues.

Information and Instructions:

Dissection and other instructions are given in italics.


ane. Skin

  1. Skin is an organ.
  2. To increase the surface area for the zipper of feathers and to help hold them together.
  3. The bumps are feather follicles.
  4. Easily – it is loosely fastened on the muscle between the joints.
  5. At the joints.
  6. OPTIONAL – learners can tape mass if scales are available.

2. Connective tissue

  1. Areolar connective tissue.
  2. Soft, flexible, thin, elastic, transparent.

3. Fatty tissue

  1. To shop reserve food in the grade of lipids and to insulate the body confronting oestrus loss.
  2. There is an oily stain on the paper after the either has evaporated, indicating that this substance is fat.

4. Muscle

NOTE TO TEACHERS: Information technology is difficult to remove the unabridged musculus without damaging the tendons, where the musculus attaches to the bone. Very few learners volition do this successfully. Most of them will cut through the muscle above the tendon.

  1. When the upper muscle is pulled, the wing flexes / bends at the elbow. When the lower muscle is pulled, the fly straightens.
  2. DIAGRAM: Calculation a scale bar is optional. The epimysium is the membrane around the entire musculus – this is also an optional label, as this was not in the notes.

5. Blood vessels

NOTE TO TEACHERS: It is not e'er possible to run into the difference between arteries and veins. Learners should look for any narrow dark ruby / blackish tubes.

  1. Oxygen and food will diffuse from the claret to the fly tissues. CO2 and other wastes volition lengthened from the tissues to the claret.

6. Nerves

Annotation TO TEACHERS: Learners sometimes find very narrow, whitish threads, which are the fretfulness. They are generally right against the os and are often destroyed when learners remove the muscle.

vii. Tendons

  1. Muscles are VERY firmly attached to os by tendons. Information technology is non possible to just pull them off using fingers or forceps. They have to be cut off.
  2. Learner dependent answer. Most groups manage to remove 1 or ii at to the lowest degree.
  3. Tendons are attached directly to the bone and gradually become muscle – the two are intermeshed at the showtime.
  4. White, strong, inelastic, flexible, house, fibrous, occurs in bundles.

8. Bone

  1. If learners do non have miniature hacksaws available, the bone tin be broken by hand. Learners should exist able to see red os marrow and a marrow cavity inside.
  2. Use the vernier callipers if they are available for measurements.
  3. Being hollow makes basic lighter, so it's easier for the bird to wing. BUT chickens can't fly, and then their bones are not hollow, they comprise bone marrow.

9. Ligaments

  1. When they accept cutting through the ligament capsule effectually the elbow joint, learners may be able to see internal ligaments – they expect like white 'strings' belongings the basic of the elbow together.
  2. Learners may utilize words like narrow, white, strong, etc to depict them, but many learners may not notice them at all – they have destroyed them already.

10. Cartilage

  1. It cannot be removed hands past only scratching it. The cartilage is very firmly joined to the stop of the bones and forms a polish, glassy surface on the os.
  2. Hyaline cartilage, simply it can too exist called articular cartilage.
  3. The cartilage makes the terminate of the os smooth, to reduce friction when the basic are moved by muscles.
  4. It is similar to plastic.


Information (Evidence ALL WORKING)

Learners may not have tables of mass measurements if scales were non available.

  1. Teachers will have to cheque the percentage calculations if mass measurements were done. It is calculated as mass of muscle divided past mass of entire fly 10 100.
  2. Mass of fatty divided by mass of fly 10 100.
  3. Fat mass divided past muscle mass x 100.
  4. All learners can exercise these calculations, even if mass was not recorded. Price divided past half-dozen = price per wing
  5. The cost would be 100/(per centum poly peptide) x cost per kilogram = price per kg of poly peptide


Mass, correct to 1 decimal identify (yard)

Entire wing



Subcutaneous Fat


Mark Scheme: Chicken wing


Assess yourself after chatting through each bespeak with your partner

Mostly no (0)

Mostly no


Very much and then

I followed the instructions carefully and read everything

We asked questions where we needed to

Nosotros did non inquire irrelevant questions

I can at present recognize all the tissues mentioned

I tin can confidently describe the tissues nosotros saw

We worked well together

We stayed focused on the work

Our appliance was clean and dry after our practical

I can confidently insert and remove scalpel blades

I used the apparatus well and successfully

Our wing was neatly dissected

Total (out of 33, convert to 15)

/33 /fifteen


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